piemontite_03.jpg S Africa epidote_09.jpg Peru epidote_05.jpg USA, quartz zoisite_01.jpg Germany vesuvianite_02.jpg Mexico allanite_05.jpg Norway, embedded crystals allanite_04.jpg Dual views of the same 0.8 cm Jet black allanite-(Ce) on quartz. Tiro Estrella Mine, El Capitan Mts., Lincoln Co., New Mexico, USA. Photo by John Veevaert hemimorphite_02.jpg Mexico epidote_06.jpg Epidote with Quartz. Cooper Mt., Prince of Wales,Alaska. 7 x 5 cm. Photo by Francesc Fabre / Fabre Minerals piemontite_01.jpg Italy allanite_03.jpg Dual views of the same 0.8 cm Jet black allanite-(Ce) on quartz. Tiro Estrella Mine, El Capitan Mts., Lincoln Co., New Mexico, USA. Photo by John Veevaert allanite_02.jpg Spain epidote_13.jpg USA epidote_15.jpg Austria zoisite_02.jpg Germany, thulite epidote_07.jpg Pakistan allanite_01.jpg France clinozoisite_01.jpg Madagascar hemimorphite_04.jpg Spain vesuvianite_01.jpg Canada hemimorphite_01.jpg Austria piemontite_02.jpg S Africa epidote_08.jpg Austria epidote_10.jpg Pakistan epidote_12.jpg Italy, +albite hemimorphite_03.jpg Spain zoisite_03.jpg France epidote_14.jpg Austria