12th International Cave Bear Symposium (ICBS)

12ο Διεθνές Συμπόσιο "Η Aρκούδα Των Σπηλαίων" (ΔΙ.Σ.Α.Σ.)



The pre-registration for the congress by the enclosed booking form should be answered before 31/01/06 .

There is no limit for the participants to attend the excursion



Conference fees

The conference fee is 25 EUROS. The price includes:

•  Entry to all congress presentations

•  Refreshments and coffee during breaks on the day of presentations

•  Dinner on the opening day, the day of presentations and the closing one

•  A complete set of conference literature together with the symposium proceedings

•  Coach trip on 4/11/2006

Conference fees are to be paid at the congress office at your arrival